Youth Ministry

Morgan Tippmann

Youth Minister

Morgan is the Youth Minister that we share between St. John the Baptist New Haven and St. Louis Besancon. She graduated from Xavier University with a Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science and Theology. She has served our diocese in many way which ultimately lead to the start of her ministry career. Feel free to reach out to her to schedule a visit to her office over at St. Louis.

Don't hesitate to reach out!


Imago Dei

Imago Dei Nights

Youth Group will meet on a weekly basis Sunday nights at St. Louis Besancon from 7pm-8:15pm.

Join us to encounter the living Christ through prayer, community, catechesis, discussion, and games. Our program is based off of the Y-disciple curriculum. 

Learn more

Bible and Breakfast

6th-8th Grade

Middle School Ministry will take place before school each week for Bible and Breakfast. Where we will read the reading of the week and dive deeper into them.

Learn more

Required Annual Youth Ministry Forms

Each child participating in either Youth Ministries should have a form filled out before they can particiapte in Youth Ministry. 

There must be 1 form for each child in the family. Each child in the family should have 2 forms filled out. We cannot accept forms that have multiple children on them.

Download the Youth Ministry Forms

Though the Information maybe the same or similar for each child in your family, we need separate forms for each of them. 

This allows us to get the word out about Youth Ministry events as well as being able to take pictures and post them on our Social Medias.

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