

  • Parish & Business Office

    Saint Rose Parish Office is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. You may call or visit the office to schedule appointments, to put information in the bulletin, to schedule an event on the parish calendar, to get sacramental records, to register to become a member, to schedule Masses and a variety of other services.

    The Business Office maintains all parish membership records, including the contributions records, and financial records. 

  • Office Help

    Volunteers assist the office staff with major projects such as stuffing bulletins, preparing bulk mailings, etc. Daytime hours only.

  • Music & Choir

    The Teen & Adult Choir is open to all adults and young adults that want to serve the Lord singing sacred choral music. The choir traditionally sings at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass and at different special liturgies during the year, including Christmas, Easter, First Communion and Confirmation.  We are always looking for new people to join the choir. There are no try-outs ...     you just have to love to sing!  If you have a musical gift, we'd love to have you share it with us.  Music in a church setting adds to the power of prayer and worship.

  • Organist/Keyboard/Guitar

    Share your God-given talent of music with our church community.  If you were blessed with musical talent and have the ability to play any musical instrument please contact the parish office or Father Mike.

  • Sacristan

    Many of us do not see the "behind-the-scenes" tasks that take place in preparation for every Mass. Sacristans are charged with the care of the sacristy. They assist with the setup of the hosts and wine for Mass and with cleaning and care of the sacred vessels.  They assure that everything is in place for the Euchaistic celebration. 

  • Art & Environment - Church Decorating

    The Art and Environment Committee seeks to design and prepare an environment in our church and gathering space that is conducive to prayer, celebration, and the spirit of each liturgical season.  Extra help is always needed, especially prior to and during the Christmas and Easter seasons, to handle the large amount of work necessary to prepare the church for these special times of the year.

  • Prayer Chain/Prayer Intentions

    The Prayer Chain consists of approximately 30 people who pray for those in need. When someone calls, we immediately pass the request to the other volunteers.   If you are interested in becoming a prayer warrior and receiving the prayer requests,  contact  Prayer Chain Coordinator, Carolyn Butler at 260-623-6810.

    Prayer Intentions at Mass:  St. Rose of Lima Parish would like to pray for any of your prayer intentions. We have confidence that God hears our prayers and will give us comfort and courage. Your request will be announced during the Prayer of  the Faithful at weekend masses. Your prayer requests can be submitted by calling the parish office at 260-623-6439. Thank you for demonstrating your faith in the power of prayer! May God continue to bless you. 

  • Altar Servers

    Altar servers have the privilege and responsibility of assisting the priest in the sanctuary during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and other liturgical celebrations.  Contact Steve Rennels at 260-341-0589 for more information.

  • Lectors

    The role of this minister is to bring the Word to life.

    Lectors are trained to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture during Mass, and to announce the intentions for the General Intercessions. 

  • Usher

    Ushers are needed during each Mass every weekend of the year, as well as at special liturgies. They help parishioners find seating during crowded Masses, pass the collection baskets for the offertory and special collections, arrange for the gifts to be brought to the altar, and handle many more behind the scenes tasks. Two ushers are usually assigned for each service, more during Christmas and Easter services.  Anyone interested in this ministry is encouraged to contact the parish office.

  • Eucharistic Minister

    Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is one of the most visible ministries in the parish. These commissioned parishioners assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass during communion. They are also able to deliver communion to the homebound, and those in the nursing home.

  • Buildings and Grounds

    The Buildings and Grounds Committee is charged with advising the pastor on all matters regarding the maintenance of parish real property. They also make recommendations regarding all building improvements.   They work in conjunction with the Parish Finance Committee.

  • Cleaning & Maintenance

    Oversees maintenance and upkeep of parish facilities, infrastructure and grounds. Identifies, prioritizes, and initiates projects to maintain and improve the parish campus such as helping with small indoor projects, larger outdoor landscape work, mowing the lawn, and/or assisting with special projects.  

  • Laundering of Church Linens

    This ministery calls upon volunteers to launder the altar cloths, and the linens used during the Mass.

  • Clean the Rectory

    Volunteers are needed to clean and care for the Rectory weekly.  Light housekeeping and laundry.

  • Altar & Rosary Sodality

    Provides social and spiritual opportunities for all women of the parish to utilize their talents to maintain the beauty of the church by keeping the altar, and sanctuary clean and well-equipped; to participate in activities that raise funds for the physical needs of the church; to help lead the praying of the rosary at various times; and to provide sacramentals that enrich the experience of the sacraments for the people of St. Rose

  • Men's Group

    The Men's Group is a newly formed group seeking to provide an opportunity for the men of our parish to gather in prayer, fellowship and support.  All men of the parish are welcome.

  • Finance Committee

    This committee helps our parish provide financial stewardship of all the activities and ministries we support. Members use their business experience, knowledge of the parish and its people, and the religious ideals of the Church to help the pastor make sound financial and business decisions.  The team meets quarterly to review financial statements, set budgets and financial priorities, and generally provides parish input and advice for the pastor.  The review of financial statements ensures the ongoing solvency of the parish.  Current members include: Fr. Mike, Jim Castleman, Todd Hoffman, Gale Powelson, and Mark Riley.

  • Pastoral Council

    The Parish Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners that serve as an advisory group for the pastor. Their role is to represent the parish and to assist the pastor in making decisions for the good of the parish and to promote spiritual development.  Current members are Fr. Mike, Steve Rennels, Tom Blauvelt, Linda Johnson, Sherry Kill and Karen Castleman.

  • Care of Church Grounds

    To care for the grounds surrounding the church and parish buildings, to maintain the landscape in such a way that it provides a welcoming environment for the people of the parish and the larger community, and serves as a palette of God’s natural beauty.

  • Cemetery Committee

    To maintain and plan for the future of the final resting place of St. Rose of Lima parishioners.

    As good stewards we need to plan for the future, and a make a commitment to care for the cemetery.  This includes periodic landscaping needs and mowing.

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