We spend our whole lives looking for meaning, when the meaning has always been there.
Think about it. How much of our lives is spent looking for a reason, a justification, an answer for why something has happened. I am guilty of it myself. Of course, it is human nature, our curiosity is inately part of what sets us apart from other animals. God gives us this ability to wonder, and make connections in His creation. But He also has already set us aside for a greater purpose than the rest of His creation. We are made in His image, we are set apart from the rest. God gave us the free will to choose how we live our lives, but we also must know that He is the author of all good and of all life.
God holds the keys to our search for meaning. He holds all the answers, He IS the answer. In the search for meaning, come find Him. He holds out His arms, He embraces you in all of the pieces, questions and despair. The pursuit of meaning may be an endless task. But God holds all the keys to your Mass prayers, car thoughts, and midnight prayers.
I think it is the most common theme of our society today; to point fingers and say it is someone else’s fault thst something went wrong. We only seem to focus on the negative events in our life, or at least that is how it seems. But what happens when something good happens, whose to be responsible for that? The answer that seems to be default is that it is everyone who had any sort of connection. It is is funny thing to think about.
It comes down to this. God holds the meaning to everything, good and bad. He is the author of good. He is the creator of you.